This is a game about the transition to net-zero.
(When you see highlighted text, click for an explanation.)
You’ll be playing in teams. Each team is a different bank.
Click anywhere to close this message.
Each bank is named after a different animal.
You’ll now meet your team in a breakout room for 3 minutes.
With your team, decide what animal your bank is named after.
Click anywhere to close this message.
Armadillo Bank
“Curl up and stay safe”Vulture Bank
“Do whats necessary, not what's popular”Penguin Bank
“Huddle up and wait out the winter”You'll have to balance these long term and short term priorities.
At the end, we'll judge your success by looking at the wealth of your bank and the state of the planet.
Each bank has 10 tokens. This represents your rate of Return on Equity and your bank's market position.
If your tokens drop to zero, that means you're no longer competitive. The sharks are circling and customers are deserting in droves.
10 | |
10 | |
10 |
It's time to make your first decision as a bank.
10 | |
10 | |
10 |
There are 3 rounds. In each round, each bank will make a public commitment towards your net zero plans.
You'll decide whether your bank is going to raise your commitment or stick to your current commitment.
Everyone get a piece of paper and draw a thick arrow on it.
To announce your commitment, one person from each bank will hold their arrow up to the camera pointing up or down. We'll do that simultaneously.
If all the banks do the same thing – if all the banks raise or all the banks stick – then there's no change to your relative positions. Your scores will remain static.
But if some banks raise and others stick, there are consequences.
Setting meaningful commitments costs money. In the short term, spending that money will impact the bank's share price, especially in comparison to other banks.
If the banks do different things, then:
So there's a strong first mover disadvantage.
Your banks are under pressure to make a net zero commitment.
You need to make a public statement about your plans.
How ambitious will your commitment be?
Your bank has investments in lots of different sectors: transport, agriculture, energy, construction, health care, and many more.
In some of these sectors, such as energy, the carbon impact is easy to measure. In others, like health care, it's much harder.
You have two options:
In just a moment, you’ll meet with your team to make two decisions:
Who will make the public announcement – who will hold up the piece of paper?
Decide whether to raise your commitment or stick.
One more thing: there's a cost to changing course early on.
If you choose to raise your commitment this turn, you will pay 1 token in addition to anything that happens with the other banks.
In your breakout room, decide whether to stick or raise. You have 5 minutes.
Welcome back. It’s time to see what was decided.
One player from each bank will make the announcement.
Announcers, please identify yourselves and prepare your arrow.
On the count of three, simultaneously reveal your arrow pointing up or down.
Armadillo Bank
Vulture Bank
Penguin Bank
Armadillo Bank | Vulture Bank | Penguin Bank | |
Initial Score | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Round 1 | 11 | 10 | 11 |
Research | |||
Allies | |||
Round 2 | |||
Regulation | |||
Round 3 | |||
Final Score |
The climate model in this game is very simple. We're going to use your choices over three rounds as an indication of how well the financial sector has transitioned to net zero.
At the end of the game, we'll use the total number of raised commitments as a rough indication of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
This will determine which of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's climate scenarios we end up in.
So far, we have 0 out of a total possible 3 raised commitments. IPCC scientists report that they are deeply concerned by the lack of action from the financial sector. Chevron and BP have a surprisingly strong quarter, and share prices are up.
So far, we have 0 out of a total possible 3 raised commitments. IPCC scientists report that they are deeply concerned by the lack of action from the financial sector. Chevron and BP have a surprisingly strong quarter, and share prices are up.
Your banks have been invited to invest in research and development for several new technologies for helping draw down and sequester carbon.
We need new technologies for helping draw down carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. There are many experimental technologies for capturing and storing carbon, but at this stage, none of them are viable at the scale we need.
Click anywhere to close this message.
11 | |
10 | |
11 |
These projects work in prototype, but will they scale up and replicate?
There's a chance that the research will be unproductive and your money will be lost. However, if the research is successful, it could be a game-changer in terms of its impact on the environment.
The profit margins will be slim – if the research is successful, you'll get your tokens back, and you'll get 1 additional token of profit.
So if you put in 1 token and the research is successful, you get 2 tokens back. If you put in 4 tokens, you'd get 5 back.
At the moment, there's a 10% chance of the research yielding fruit. Each token invested in a technology will increase the chance of success by 10%.
You have three minutes in your breakout rooms to decide how much, if anything, you'd like to invest in one or both of these technologies. You should also decide who will reveal your bank’s decision.
Welcome back. It’s time to see what was decided.
Click the question marks to record each bank’s decision.
0 | |
1 |
Armadillo Bank
1 | |
1 |
Vulture Bank
1 | |
2 |
Penguin Bank
Banks are made up of hundreds or thousands of employees. Many employees would like their banks to be more climate active, but they have their own concerns and pressures.
Sometimes bank employees reach out to external allies such as NGOs and newspapers. These organisations apply scrutiny and pressure which can nudge the banks to more sustainable actions.
Often bank employee earnings are tied to quarterly targets or stock prices.
Click anywhere to close this message.
A bank employee might let Greenpeace or Extinction Rebellion know that it's a good time for a public campaign targeting their bank.
10 | |
8 | |
8 |
You are about to make a choice as an individual, not with the rest of your bank.
We're going to offer you a chance to share some information about your bank with a climate NGO – evidence that your bank was breaking one of its own stated climate policies.
This is a choice you make privately.
If you want to engage with external allies, you'll send a private message to the facilitator with the word ALLY.
Don't do this yet! We'll go bank by bank – so wait for your bank's turn before you send a message.
How to send a private message: Use the chat function. Click on the facilitator's name. Then type and send the word ‘ALLY’.
Be warned: even though this is secret, taking this step may have consequences for your own career.
But that extra scrutiny might benefit your bank too.
The full consequences of this decision will become clear later.
Facilitator: click on the banks that had at least one employee message ALLY.
Armadillo Bank
Vulture Bank
Penguin Bank
There is a wave of public pressure and scrutiny applied to banks who brought in external allies. This affects their market share.
All banks who had someone reach out to external allies lose 1 token.
We'll see the long-term effects of this decision later.
Armadillo Bank | Vulture Bank | Penguin Bank | |
Initial Score | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Round 1 | 11 | 10 | 11 |
Research | 10 | 8 | 8 |
Allies | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Round 2 | |||
Regulation | |||
Round 3 | |||
Final Score |
As we move forward, public debate is focused on banks providing loans to fossil fuel companies.
Your bank, like many others, has contracts with fossil fuel companies. You plan to conclude these loans by 2050 as part of your net zero plans.
But now you're under pressure to speed up these plans.
On the other hand, an unrealistic deadline will make your bank look naive, and will be embarrassing if you can't achieve it.
You have two options:
You've got a press conference tomorrow to make a public statement, and you need to make your decision.
Public pressure is mounting for significant climate action, but it's still costly for banks to make the first move if their peers don't follow.
Remember, if the banks do different things, then:
One more thing: if you stuck with your existing commitments in the previous round, there's now a 2 token cost to raise your commitment.
If you raised your commitment last turn, it doesn't cost anything additional to continue to raise this turn.
That's because you've already got a lot of momentum behind your current trajectory and it's hard to change course.
Click anywhere to close this message.
It's time to decide.
In your breakout room, decide whether to stick or raise. You have 5 minutes.
Welcome back. It’s time to see what was decided.
One player from each bank will make the announcement.
Announcers, please identify yourselves and prepare your arrow.
On the count of three, simultaneously reveal your arrow pointing up or down.
Click the question marks to record each bank’s decision.
Armadillo Bank
Vulture Bank
Penguin Bank
Armadillo Bank | Vulture Bank | Penguin Bank | |
Initial Score | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Round 1 | 11 | 10 | 11 |
Research | 10 | 8 | 8 |
Allies | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Round 2 | 5 | 8 | 4 |
Regulation | |||
Round 3 | |||
Final Score |
So far, we have 2 out of a total possible 6 raised commitments. The latest news from the financial sector sends a ripple of quiet panic through the international climate community. Meanwhile, there is a boom on property sales in remote parts of New Zealand as wealthy billionaires start buying up land.
So far, we have 2 out of a total possible 6 raised commitments. The latest news from the financial sector sends a ripple of quiet panic through the international climate community. Meanwhile, there is a boom on property sales in remote parts of New Zealand as wealthy billionaires start buying up land.
While banks have been strategising, governments are making their own plans.
To break the deadlock of climate inaction, financial regulators have put forward two possible policies. The banks will vote on which they prefer.
The first policy is Green Subsidies.
This is a package of laws which ease capital holding restrictions for sustainable loans and inject money directly into green sectors.
If we go with this policy, banks get 3 tokens for each occasion they’ve previously raised their commitment.
This is a big bonus for banks who’ve already built up a strong portfolio of green assets.
The second policy is Enhanced Credit Guidance.
In this case, central banks and regulators take a much more interventionist role and block certain kinds of loans to high-carbon sectors.
If we go with this policy, each bank pays 1 token, and we lose the transition cost for banks to raise their commitments in the upcoming final round.
This removes the extra cost when you shift from your current commitments to a raised commitment.
You'll decide in your breakout rooms which policy you're going to vote for.
Then you’ll have the opportunity to spend tokens to buy additional votes.
Before you go to your breakout rooms:
The employees who engaged with external allies previously have now been found out. Rocking the boat this way has had an impact on your career.
For this next decision, the bank has locked you out of the conference room as potential trouble-makers.
You can stand at the glass doors, but you can't speak.
If you messaged ALLY earlier, mute your microphone and don't use the chat during this discussion. You can gesture as much as you like to express your opinion.
The policy choices are:
In your breakout rooms, decide which policy to vote for and discuss whether you will buy additional votes. You have 3 minutes.
One regulation must win. You can negotiate with other banks.
Armadillo Bank
Vulture Bank
Penguin Bank
Armadillo Bank | Vulture Bank | Penguin Bank | |
Initial Score | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Round 1 | 11 | 10 | 11 |
Research | 10 | 8 | 8 |
Allies | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Round 2 | 5 | 8 | 4 |
Regulation | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Round 3 | |||
Final Score |
As we move deeper into the 2020s, severe weather events are impacting the planet and the urgency around climate action has reached a critical point.
Industries are under increasing pressure to decarbonise. Many people say that banks are responsible for the emissions of the businesses they loan money to.
Should banks be helping fund their clients' decarbonisation?
You have two options:
This is the last round of the game. As in previous rounds, if the banks do different things, then:
All the banks who raised their commitment lose 2 tokens.
All the banks who stuck with their current commitment gain 1 token.
Because of new regulation Enhanced Credit Guidance, there is no cost to raise your commitment if you stuck last turn.
(However, you still lose 2 tokens if you raise your commitment and other banks do not.)
In your breakout room, decide whether to stick or raise. You have 5 minutes.
Welcome back. It’s time to see what was decided.
One player from each bank will make the announcement.
Announcers, please identify yourselves and prepare your arrow.
On the count of three, simultaneously reveal your arrow pointing up or down.
Click the question marks to record each bank’s decision.
Armadillo Bank
Vulture Bank
Penguin Bank
If your bank had someone in it that messaged ALLY, you've been under much more public scrutiny from external NGOs. You've been criticised for your mistakes – but also, there's more attention on the good things you've done.
The following banks receive a small bonus of 1 token as a reward for transparency:
Furthermore, if your bank has raised its commitment, those investments are starting to pay off.
Banks that raised their commitment once get a bonus of 1 token.
Raising your commitment twice means a bonus of 2 tokens.
If your bank raised its commitment three times, you have established a reputation as a 'green leader'. This has a financial benefit of 4 tokens.
Let's check in to see how our R&D went. Were either of our green startups successful?
Without any additional funding, there was a 10% chance that research would be successful. Collectively, the banks contributed tokens to research, which brings the likelihood of success up by 10% per invested token. After investment, the odds look like this:
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of Concredible's scientists, carbon-sequestering building materials doesn't work at scale.
The concrete is too expensive to provide a meaningful contribution to the solution.
For those banks that invested in this research, your investment is lost.
Great news. Behemoss' edible moss is taking off as an alternative feed for livestock.
Moss farms are springing up all around the world, drawing down carbon quickly and cheaply.
For those banks that invested in this technology, you get back the same number of tokens you invested, plus 1.
We'll see the impact of this technology on our sustainability efforts later.
Armadillo Bank +2
Vulture Bank +2
Penguin Bank +3
Armadillo Bank | Vulture Bank | Penguin Bank | |
Initial Score | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Round 1 | 11 | 10 | 11 |
Research | 10 | 8 | 8 |
Allies | 9 | 8 | 8 |
Round 2 | 5 | 8 | 4 |
Regulation | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Round 3 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Final Score | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Well done!
Finally, how did we go with our transition to net zero?
In this game, we use the decisions you made as an indication of how the financial sector as a whole manages the transition to net zero.
The more raised commitments you made collectively, the better for the planet.
We had 3 banks over three turns, so there were a total of 9 opportunities to raise your commitments.
According to the IPCC and the IEA, it's still possible to achieve the Paris targets of 1.5 degrees above preindustrial levels. But to hit those targets, everything has to go right.
In our model, if you made 9 raised commitments, we would be on a Paris-aligned pathway.
Out of 9 possible raised commitments, you collectively made 4.
Thanks to the deployment of the new carbon capture technology, there has been a reduction in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases. Each successfully researched green technology adds the equivalent of one raised commitment.
In our model, that places us on a pathway to 2 degrees above preindustrial levels.
In the 2020s, the finance sector moved away to cut off funding for fossil fuels, to decarbonise across sectors, and to support the global transition to net zero.
Unfortunately, the sector did not act quickly enough to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. There was disagreement and conflict within the sector, and as a result, the planet is on track for roughly 2 degrees warming.
That means a massive increase in severe weather events, the loss of many coastal ecosystems and the drying out of many agricultural regions.
Some regions of the tropics may become uninhabitable due to rising heat, meaning the forced migration of millions of people by the end of the century.
Massive recessions are very likely and there will be significant disruptions to the financial system.
But thanks to the hard work of many people in different banks, the damage is less than it could have been, and we can hope for a better future on the planet.
Thank you for playing The Pledge. We'd like to leave you with three questions to discuss among yourselves.
photo credits, in order of appearance
Written by David Finnigan
Designed by David Finnigan & Lee Shang Lun
Developed by Louis Graham